Wednesday night the actress Jennifer Aniston (47), who was Rachel Green in the television series "Friends," he told the magazine "People" in a statement that her mother, Nancy Dow, "died peacefully surrounded by her family and friends after a long illness." She was 79. "With great sadness my brother John and I announce the passing of our mother, Nancy Dew" begins the statement of Jennifer Aniston. The woman was a model who in the 1960s starred in TV series like "Beverly Hillbillies" and "The Wild Wild West".
In 2015 Aniston revealed to "The Hollywood Reporter" that the relationship with her mother was tense and sometimes there were years when they did not speak. She also said that her mother was "very vindictive."
Nancy Dow was married twice. Her first husband was Jack Melick. The second was the father of Aniston, the star of American soap operas John Aniston. Both marriages ended in divorce.
Jennifer Aniston's mother had a past difficult years for your health. For example, in 2011 and 2012 she suffered heart attacks.